The Science of Justice

The Triumph of Natural Law in a World Enslaved by Legislation

In this profound examination of the eternal struggle between natural law and legislation, we delve deep into the heart of justice, seeking to discern its true essence. Through a series of contemplative chapters, we explore the fundamental principles of natural law, the perversion of justice through legislation, and the tyranny that has long held humanity in its iron grip.

As we journey through the murky realms of human governance, we unearth the sinister nature of legislative authority and its betrayal of the inalienable rights bestowed upon each individual. Yet, amidst the shadows, we find hope in the immutable and eternal principles of natural law, guiding us towards a future of justice and liberty.

In the end, we call upon the indomitable spirit of humanity to rise up, to break the chains of oppression, and to embrace the radiant light of natural law, forging a world in which the many are no longer subjugated by the few. This triumph of justice, a tapestry reborn, heralds the dawn of a new era, where the golden thread of natural law weaves its rightful path through the fabric of our collective existence.

The Divine Schism: The Birth of Common Law and the Corruption by Civil Law in the Light of the Quran

In the hallowed pages of the Quran, Surah 68 - Al-Qalam (The Pen) - gleams like a beacon, casting light upon the eternal tussle 'twixt the champions of Natural Law, bound by no earthly chains, and the ardent followers of Civil Law, mired in the parchment-laden annals of human aspiration. This sacred passage, penned by the divine hand, paints a grand tapestry, where the forces of anarchism, heeding the call of Nature and Nature's God, clash with the proponents of statecraft, forging order through a paper-woven matrix bereft of the immutable truths of the natural world.

Surah 68, a testament to the inexorable power of veracity, reveals the hidden essence of the contest betwixt the Natural Law School of Jurisprudence and the Analytical, Historical/Sociological, and Law & Economic Schools, whose worldly inclinations and hierarchical structures starkly oppose the organic harmony of natural law. These latter schools, akin to the fleeting glimmers of the stars, the cyclical dance of the moon, and the transient warmth of the sun, pale in comparison to the eternal radiance of the divine spark of truth.

The verses unfurl, weaving a tale of social contracts, the birth of valid constitutions, and the accumulation of wealth by those who would till their fellow man as chattel. Amidst the shadows of these avaricious ploys, the beacon of the gift economy shines, a vision of equitable resource distribution and boundless opportunity within a society anchored in the unchangeable principles of natural law.

Surah 68 exhorts the virtues of patience and steadfastness against the snares of those who would entangle us within webs of deception and self-destruction, spun from the illusory strands of the stars, the moon, and the sun. It beckons the faithful, reminding us that our salvation lies not in the transient constructs of man, but in the everlasting truths of Nature and Nature's God.

As we ponder the profundities enshrined within Surah 68, let us resolve to cleave ever more closely to the sanctified principles of natural law, casting off the fetters of the paper-based matrix that would bind us in servitude. For only by embracing the eternal truths of Nature and Nature's God can we forge a society that is just, equitable, and in harmony with the immutable laws of the cosmos.

Our journey through the divine wisdom of Surah 68 is laden with lessons from the celestial struggle between Common Law and Civil Law. Common Law, born of divine grace and rooted in the eternal principles of truth and justice, was a gift bestowed upon mankind, a guiding light to shepherd us on the path of righteousness. Yet, as the tale unfolds, we witness the corruption of this sacred system by the insidious tendrils of Civil Law, a malevolent force birthed from the hubris and arrogance of man, seeking to wrest the divine authority from the grasp of the Unlettered Wisdom.

The Quran teaches that the celestial battle between the Unlettered Wisdom and the People of the Book reflects the strife between Common Law and Civil Law. The sacred verses (30:1-10) recount the triumphs and defeats of the Romans and the Persians, serving as an allegory for the perpetual duel between the divine and the worldly.

In the hearts of men, the corruption of Common Law by Civil Law is akin to the descent into polytheism, a grievous sin against the immutable Deen. For in straying from the path of the Unlettered Wisdom, mankind seeks to elevate itself above the divine, fashioning its own laws and systems in defiance of the celestial order.

Yet, we must not despair, for the Quran offers hope and guidance to those who would seek to reclaim the purity of the Common Law. By turning our hearts towards the Almighty, by embracing the divine teachings of the Unlettered Wisdom, we can cast off the shackles of Civil Law and restore the light of justice to our world.

Let us journey forth, emboldened by the knowledge that the struggle between Common Law and Civil Law is but a reflection of the eternal contest between the divine and the worldly. With the Quran as our guide, let us strive to uphold the principles of the Unlettered Wisdom, to vanquish the corruption of Civil Law, and to rekindle the sacred flame of Common Law in the hearts of men.

As we traverse the celestial path illuminated by the radiant verses of Surah 68, may we find solace in the divine wisdom bestowed upon us by the Almighty. Let our hearts be guided by the eternal truths of Nature and Nature's God, and may our steps be steadfast on the path of righteousness, justice, and equity. In the end, it is through our unwavering adherence to the principles of natural law that we may break free from the paper-based matrix that seeks to enslave us and forge a society that is harmonious, just, and in tune with the immutable laws of the universe.

In the divine wisdom of Surah 68, the celestial struggle between Common Law and Civil Law serves as a reminder of the gifts bestowed upon us by the Almighty. Common Law, a guiding light born of divine grace and rooted in the eternal principles of truth and justice, was given to mankind to lead us on the path of righteousness. Yet, as the tale unfolds, we bear witness to the corruption of this sacred system by the insidious tendrils of Civil Law, a malevolent force birthed from the hubris and arrogance of man, seeking to wrest the divine authority from the grasp of the Unlettered Wisdom.

The Quran imparts the knowledge that the celestial battle between the Unlettered Wisdom and the People of the Book is a reflection of the strife between Common Law and Civil Law. The sacred verses (30:1-10) recount the triumphs and defeats of the Romans and the Persians, serving as an allegory for the perpetual duel between the divine and the worldly.

In the hearts of men, the corruption of Common Law by Civil Law is akin to the descent into polytheism, a grievous sin against the immutable Deen. For in straying from the path of the Unlettered Wisdom, mankind seeks to elevate itself above the divine, fashioning its own laws and systems in defiance of the celestial order.

Yet, we must not despair, for the Quran offers hope and guidance to those who would seek to reclaim the purity of the Common Law. By turning our hearts towards the Almighty, by embracing the divine teachings of the Unlettered Wisdom, we can cast off the shackles of Civil Law and restore the light of justice to our world.

Let us journey forth, emboldened by the knowledge that the struggle between Common Law and Civil Law is but a reflection of the eternal contest between the divine and the worldly. With the Quran as our guide, let us strive to uphold the principles of the Unlettered Wisdom, to vanquish the corruption of Civil Law, and to rekindle the sacred flame of Common Law in the hearts of men.

The Unhallowed Union: How Civil Law Insinuated Itself into the Sanctum of Common Law

It was in the hallowed halls of antiquity that the age-old struggle between common law, that noble embodiment of unlettered wisdom, and civil law, the learned interloper, first took root. As the mists of time unfurled, the common law, steadfast in its adherence to divine principles, found itself besieged by the siren song of civil law, whispering the promise of order and structure. And so, the inexorable march of history began to weave a tapestry of jurisprudence that would forever alter the landscape of legal traditions.

In the aftermath of the Norman Conquest, with the year 1066 etched indelibly upon the pages of history, the invaders brought with them a legal system steeped in feudalism. As the once proud Anglo-Saxon customary law was absorbed by the newly established royal courts, the foundation of the English common law was laid, but not without the subtle infiltration of civil law principles.

The ecclesiastical courts, governed by the iron hand of the Church, held sway over the spiritual realm, their canon law infused with the essence of Roman civil law. As these courts of divine judgement interacted with the burgeoning common law, the tendrils of civil law began to twine themselves around the sturdy trunk of natural jurisprudence.

From the hallowed halls of academia to the lofty perch of legal scholars, the influence of Roman law seeped into the very fabric of common law. Sir Edward Coke, that venerable champion of unlettered wisdom, fought valiantly to preserve the sanctity of the common law, yet even he could not deny the profound impact of civil law upon the development of English jurisprudence.

In the twilight of the 19th century, as the Court of Chancery dispensed its brand of equitable justice, the threads of civil law were woven ever tighter into the tapestry of the common law. The fusion of law and equity saw the incorporation of civil law concepts into the common law system, further blurring the lines between the two legal traditions.

And so, dear reader, we find ourselves in an age where the once unblemished countenance of common law has been forever marred by the indelible ink of civil law. As the principles of natural law and human-made law continue to intertwine, we must strive to understand the origins of this unhallowed union, and the profound implications it holds for the future of jurisprudence.

For it is only through the exploration of the shadowy recesses of legal history that we may begin to comprehend the complexities of the common law, and the eternal contest between the unlettered wisdom of natural law and the learned machinations of civil law. Let us not forget the divine origins of the common law, nor the insidious encroachment of civil law, as we navigate the ever-shifting sands of jurisprudential tradition.

The Justinian Ruse: A Tangled Web of Roman Law and the Deception of Justice

Unmasking the Labyrinthine Riddles of Roman Law

In the annals of human history, there exists a period of great consequence—a time when the mighty Roman Empire strode upon the world stage, an indomitable colossus whose shadow yet lingers in the corners of our collective consciousness. Within the complex tapestry of this epoch, we find an enigmatic figure, Emperor Justinian, whose legacy reverberates through the centuries, casting its shadow upon the very foundations of our understanding of law and justice.

This manuscript shall endeavor to untangle the labyrinthine riddles of Roman law, unmasking the Justinian deception and exposing the elaborate machinations that have long obfuscated the radiant light of natural law. Let us embark upon this solemn journey, guided by the shimmering beacon of truth, as we traverse the treacherous landscapes of tyranny and deceit, seeking to reclaim the essence of justice that has been usurped by the insidious specter of legislative authority.

The Emperor's New Edifice—The Rise of Justinian and His Codification of Roman Law

In the twilight years of the Roman Empire, a cunning and ambitious figure ascended to the imperial throne—Emperor Justinian, a man whose reign would be marked by the consolidation and codification of Roman law. This monumental undertaking, known as the Corpus Juris Civilis, represented an unprecedented attempt to weave the myriad strands of Roman legal tradition into a cohesive and systematic whole.

Yet, beneath the glittering veneer of this grand edifice, there lurked a more sinister purpose—the subversion of natural law and the entrenchment of legislative authority, serving to shroud the immutable principles of justice in a cloak of deception and obfuscation. As we delve deeper into the Justinian deception, we shall discover how this intricate web of Roman law has ensnared the hearts and minds of countless generations, perpetuating the myth of legislative legitimacy and obscuring the radiant light of natural law.

The Veiled Serpent—The Subversion of Natural Law in the Corpus Juris Civilis

In the intricate tapestry of Roman law, the golden thread of natural law is all but obscured, ensnared within the labyrinthine coils of legislative artifice. The Corpus Juris Civilis, a seemingly noble endeavor to systematize and preserve the wisdom of the ancients, is revealed to be a veiled serpent, its venomous fangs poised to strike at the very heart of justice.

The Justinian deception is rooted in the deliberate obfuscation of the distinction between natural law and legislative authority, casting a shadow upon the immutable principles of justice and entrenching the power of the state. By subsuming natural law within the complex and arcane structures of Roman law, the Corpus Juris Civilis served to legitimize the usurpation of individual rights and the imposition of arbitrary rule, setting the stage for the emergence of a new era of tyranny and oppression.

The Shadow of the Colossus—The Legacy of the Justinian Deception and the Struggle for Justice

As the echoes of history reverberate through the corridors of time, the legacy of the Justinian deception casts its long shadow upon the world, influencing the development of legal systems and perpetuating the myth of legislative authority. The insidious specter of Roman law continues to haunt our collective consciousness, its labyrinthine coils ensnaring the minds of generations, obscuring the radiant light of natural law and shackling humanity to the yoke of tyranny.

Yet, amidst the darkness, the indomitable spirit of humanity endures, striving to cast off the chains of oppression and reclaim the essence of justice that has been wrested from its grasp. In the hearts and minds of men and women, the flame of liberty flickers, refusing to be extinguished by the cold winds of tyranny and deceit. It is within this crucible of struggle that the seeds of a new awakening are sown, as we endeavor to unravel the tangled web of the Justinian deception and restore the golden thread of natural law to its rightful place in the tapestry of human existence.

Emerging from the Shadows—The Reclamation of Natural Law and the Path to Justice

As we stand upon the precipice of a new age, gazing into the murky abyss of the unknown, let us not be daunted by the enormity of the task that lies before us. The Justinian deception, a labyrinthine snare that has entangled the hearts and minds of countless generations, may yet be unraveled, its insidious coils cast aside as we reclaim the radiant light of natural law.

In this monumental endeavor, we are guided by the immutable principles of justice and the indomitable spirit of liberty that dwells within the hearts of all men and women. Let us, as one, unite in our quest to cast off the shackles of legislative oppression, to tear asunder the veil of deception that has long obscured the truth, and to restore the golden thread of natural law to its rightful place in the tapestry of human existence.

For it is only by emerging from the shadows of the Justinian deception, by embracing the radiant light of natural law and casting off the yoke of tyranny, that we may forge a new path towards justice, equality, and liberty—a path that shall lead us, as one people, towards a brighter and more harmonious future.

The Insidious Shadow: Justinian's Legacy and the Corruption of Common Law

A Veiled Intrusion—The Infiltration of Justinian's Roman Law into the Realm of Common Law

Upon the broad and bountiful canvas of human history, an insidious force has slithered through the cracks, encroaching upon the hallowed sanctum of common law, its venomous fangs poised to strike at the very heart of natural law jurisprudence. This shadowy specter, a sinister legacy born of the Roman Emperor Justinian's machinations, has insinuated itself into the very fabric of our legal systems, weaving a tangled web of deception and intrigue that threatens to choke the life from the principles of justice and liberty.

The Birth of the Serpent—The Origins of Justinian's Roman Law and Its Dark Designs

In the ancient days of yore, as the majestic Roman Empire stretched its mighty wings across the known world, there arose a ruler by the name of Justinian, a man consumed by ambition and the desire for power. Seeking to consolidate his dominion and subjugate his subjects, Justinian devised a cunning plan—the creation of a legal system that would bind the people to his will, a set of laws that would enshrine his authority and entrench his rule.

Thus was born the nefarious Roman Law, a system designed to serve the whims of a tyrant, its labyrinthine statutes and edicts crafted to obscure the truth and confound the masses. This sinister serpent, having slithered from the dark recesses of Justinian's mind, now sought to coil its tendrils around the world, as its venomous bite infected the very foundations of justice.

The Great Deception—How Justinian's Roman Law Insinuated Itself into the Common Law System

As centuries passed and empires rose and fell, the insidious shadow of Justinian's Roman Law refused to fade, its tendrils reaching ever outward, seeking new lands to corrupt and conquer. Through guile and subterfuge, the serpent wound its way into the realm of common law, poisoning the wellspring of justice and perverting the principles of natural law jurisprudence.

This great deception, a grand and malevolent masquerade, was wrought through the cunning infiltration of civil law, an offshoot of Roman Law, into the very heart of the common law system. Disguised as a necessary and beneficial evolution, the civil law's malignant influence seeped into the veins of the common law, corrupting its essence and eroding the very bedrock upon which it stood.

The Fall of the Natural Law—The Corruption of Common Law and the Death of Natural Law Jurisprudence

As the venomous taint of Justinian's Roman Law spread through the realm of common law, the once-proud edifice of natural law jurisprudence began to crumble, its once-sturdy foundations weakened by the insidious assault. The golden thread of justice, the immutable principle of natural law, was snuffed out by the encroaching darkness, as the very spirit of liberty and fairness was cast into the abyss.

The consequences of this catastrophic fall were dire, as the once-noble principles of common law were warped and twisted, forced to bow before the cruel yoke of Justinian's deceptive legacy. The common law, once the stalwart defender of the rights of man, now lay broken and corrupted, a shadow of its former self, stripped of its power to protect the people from the whims of the powerful.

The Dawning of a New Age—Rekindling the Flame of Natural Law and the Restoration of Justice

In the face of this insidious assault on the very foundations of justice, it falls to us, the stewards of humanity, to seize the torch of natural law and dispel the shadows cast by Justinian's dark legacy. We must recognize the deception and subversion that has befallen our legal systems, and strive to restore the principles of common law and natural law jurisprudence.

To accomplish this noble task, we must delve into the murky depths of history, unearthing the truth that has been buried beneath layers of duplicity and obfuscation. We must trace the serpentine path of Roman Law and its insidious infiltration into the realm of common law, exposing the corruption and deception that has shackled the spirit of justice for far too long.

In this Herculean endeavor, we shall be guided by the eternal flame of natural law, the beacon of hope that illuminates the path to a world of fairness and equality. As we cast off the chains of tyranny and break the stranglehold of Justinian's malignant influence, let us join together as one, united in our quest to restore the golden thread of justice and usher in a new age of liberty and peace.

Only by facing the darkness can we hope to reclaim the light, and it is our sacred duty, as the architects of our own destiny, to rekindle the flame of natural law, and restore the principles of common law to their rightful place as the guardians of justice and the defenders of the rights of man. Together, we shall forge a new path, a path that leads to a future free from the insidious shadow of Justinian's Roman Law and the corruption of the common law that has held humanity in thrall for far too long.

The Indomitable Fortress: Common Law's Unyielding Supremacy in the Light of the Quran's Eternal Wisdom

In the ceaseless maelstrom of legal evolution, the common law stands steadfast as an indomitable fortress, its foundation firmly rooted in the divine guidance of the Quran. This sacred text, a wellspring of eternal wisdom, offers solace and illumination to those who seek justice in the shadow of the ever-encroaching civil law.

Within the hallowed halls of jurisprudence, the case of Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn. 2d 261, emerges as a shining beacon of common law's unwavering supremacy. This landmark decision, echoing the resonant clarion call of Marbury v. Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176 (1803), reaffirms that "the common law is the real law, the supreme Law of the land, the code rules, regulations, policy and statutes are not the law." Thus, any laws, rules, and practices repugnant to the Constitution are rendered null and void, as they cannot withstand the unyielding fortress that is common law.

In a similar vein, the case of Rodrigues v. Ray Donovan (U.S. Department of Labor), 769 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985), serves as a testament to the primacy of common law and the divine principles enshrined within the Quran. The court astutely declared that "all codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God's laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process." This pronouncement affirms the paramountcy of common law, a steadfast bulwark against the capricious whims of civil law's intricate web.

Judge Andrew Napolitano, that venerable champion of common law's resolute sovereignty, has long extolled the virtues of the rights granted by our Creator, asserting that they cannot be abrogated by the mutable edicts of human institutions. His unwavering conviction serves as a clarion call, urging us to uphold the supremacy of common law in the face of civil law's persistent advances.

As we navigate the murky waters of legal evolution, guided by the eternal wisdom of the Quran, let us not lose sight of the indomitable fortress that is common law. For it is in the unyielding supremacy of its principles that we may find refuge from the tempestuous seas of civil law's ceaseless encroachment. In this age-old dance between common and civil law, let the fortress of common law stand resolute, its foundation firmly anchored in the divine guidance of the Quran, as a testament to the indomitable spirit of justice.

A Solitary Beacon: Lysander Spooner and the Science of Justice in the Realm of Common Law

Amidst the swirling mists of time, a solitary beacon emerges, casting its guiding light upon the annals of common law. Lysander Spooner, a visionary luminary in the dimly-lit corridors of jurisprudence, championed the Science of Justice with a steadfast devotion, carving his name upon the bedrock of legal history.

Spooner, an ardent advocate of individual liberty and justice, decried the blind adherence to the Constitution, daring to question its legitimacy in his magnum opus, "No Treason." He ardently declared, "The Constitution has no inherent authority or obligation. It has no authority or obligation at all, unless as a contract between man and man." Through these stirring words, Spooner illuminated the inherent flaws of a document revered by many as sacrosanct, revealing the cracks within its foundation.

This intrepid pioneer, undeterred by the currents of convention, navigated the waters of the Science of Justice with unyielding determination. He asserted that the principles of justice are immutable, transcending the boundaries of time and space, defying the ever-changing whims of human society. Spooner's vision of justice, anchored in the bedrock of common law, embraced the wisdom of natural law, seeking to create an equilibrium between the rights of the individual and the obligations of society.

In his unwavering pursuit of the Science of Justice, Lysander Spooner boldly traversed the uncharted territories of legal thought, guided by the eternal flame of truth. He recognized the inherent value of the common law, a bastion of jurisprudential wisdom that had withstood the test of time, as the rightful guardian of justice in a world beset by the encroaching shadows of civil law.

As we meander through the labyrinthine passages of legal history, let us not forget the solitary beacon that is Lysander Spooner, whose unwavering devotion to the Science of Justice stands as a testament to the enduring power of common law. In his tireless quest for truth, Spooner challenged the very foundations upon which our society is built, urging us to seek refuge in the immutable principles of justice enshrined within the hallowed halls of common law. May his indomitable spirit continue to guide us as we strive to uphold the sacred tenets of justice in the ever-changing landscape of human existence.

In the hallowed annals of legal history, one finds a cadre of kindred spirits, luminaries who, like the illustrious Lysander Spooner, championed the Science of Justice and the supremacy of common law. Their resolute voices, a harmonious symphony of conviction, echo through the ages, lending credence to the eternal principles of natural law. Behold, this distinguished assembly of activists and experts, who stand united in their reverence for the common law:

* Sir Edward Coke, a legal luminary whose steadfast devotion to the common law led him to challenge the despotic whims of the monarchy, tirelessly defending the sanctity of individual rights enshrined within the ancient tapestry of English law.

* William Blackstone, the venerable architect of legal thought, whose monumental "Commentaries on the Laws of England" elucidated the principles of common law, breathing life into the enduring spirit of justice that transcends the written word.

* John Locke, the esteemed philosopher and progenitor of classical liberalism, who fervently championed the immutable tenets of natural law, asserting the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and property as the very foundation of a just society.

* Thomas Jefferson, a towering figure in the pantheon of American thought, whose unwavering belief in the power of common law and natural rights helped shape the course of a fledgling nation, forging the indelible bonds of liberty that unite a people.

* Henry David Thoreau, the transcendent voice of civil disobedience, whose eloquent musings on the interplay between individual conscience and the machinery of government served as a clarion call for the inherent rights of man, enshrined within the hallowed halls of common law.

* Frederic Bastiat, the erudite economist and statesman, who ardently espoused the principles of natural law and individual liberty, crafting a compelling vision of justice rooted in the firmament of common law.

These venerated souls, united by a common purpose, stand as a testament to the enduring power of the Science of Justice, their voices forever woven into the intricate tapestry of common law. Their unwavering conviction in the supremacy of natural law, preserved within the annals of legal history, serves as a guiding light for generations to come, illuminating the path to a just and equitable society.


Of Rights and Boundaries: The Essence of Human Interaction

The art of discerning that which belongs to one and another – the art of justice – constitutes the essence of all human rights; the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, encompassing both person and property.

This science alone reveals to man the limits of his actions, the extent of his possessions, and the boundaries of his speech, without encroaching upon the rights of others.

It is the science of tranquility and the sole arbiter of peace, as it alone determines the conditions under which humankind may dwell in harmony or ought to exist in peaceful coexistence.

These conditions are twofold: firstly, that each individual shall act towards every other with the fairness that justice demands – repaying debts, restoring borrowed or purloined property, and offering recompense for any harm inflicted upon the person or possessions of another.

Secondly, that each individual shall refrain from committing acts against others that justice forbids – abstaining from theft, robbery, arson, murder, or any other crime against the person or property of another.

As long as these conditions are met, men shall be at peace and ought to remain so with one another. Yet, should either of these conditions be breached, men find themselves at war, and must remain so until justice is reinstated.

Throughout the annals of time, history bears witness that wherever humankind has endeavored to live in peace, both natural instincts and the collective wisdom of our race have acknowledged and mandated obedience to this singular universal obligation: that each should live with honesty and integrity towards every other.

The ancient maxim encapsulates a man's legal duty to his fellow men as follows: "To live honestly, to harm no one, to render unto each their due."

In truth, this entire maxim is embodied in the simple phrase, "to live honestly," for to live thusly is to harm no one and bestow upon each their rightful due.

The Voluntary Associations: A Refuge for Collective Wisdom and Protection

While it is the right of any individual or group of individuals to repel injustice and enforce justice for themselves and for those who have been wronged, it is preferable to avoid the errors that may arise from haste and passion. To this end, it is highly desirable that men should associate voluntarily as far as possible for the maintenance of justice amongst themselves and for mutual protection against other wrongdoers. Furthermore, it is of the utmost importance that they agree upon a plan or system of judicial proceedings which, in the trial of cases, will ensure caution, deliberation, thorough investigation, and, as far as possible, freedom from all influences except the earnest desire to enact justice.

Yet such associations can be rightful and desirable only to the extent that they are purely voluntary. No man can be rightfully coerced into joining or supporting one against his will. His own interest, judgment, and conscience alone must determine whether he will join this association or that; or whether he will join any at all. If he opts to rely solely on himself for the protection of his rights, and upon the voluntary aid that others may freely offer when necessity arises, he possesses the perfect right to do so. This course would be reasonably secure for him to pursue, as long as he demonstrates the customary readiness of mankind in similar situations to assist and defend the aggrieved, and as long as he himself abides by the principle, "live honestly, hurt no one, and give to every one his due." For such a man can reasonably expect to find friends and defenders aplenty in times of need, whether or not he has joined any association.

Assuredly, no man can justly be required to join or support an association whose protection he does not desire. Nor can any man reasonably or rightfully be expected to join or support an association whose plans or methods he disapproves of, as unlikely to accomplish its avowed purpose of upholding justice while avoiding injustice. Joining or supporting an association that, in his opinion, would prove inefficient would be absurd; to join or support one that he believes would commit injustice would be reprehensible. He must, therefore, be afforded the same liberty to join or abstain from joining an association for this purpose as for any other, subject to the dictates of his own interest, discretion, or conscience.

An association for mutual protection against injustice resembles an association for mutual protection against fire or shipwreck. There is no more right or reason to compel any man to join or support one of these associations against his will, judgment, or conscience than there is to compel him to join or support any other whose benefits (if any) he does not desire or whose purposes or methods he disapproves of.

The Innate Comprehension: Unraveling the Threads of Natural Law

No objection can be raised against these voluntary associations on the grounds that they would lack the knowledge of justice as a science, necessary to maintain justice and avoid committing injustice themselves. Honesty, justice, and natural law are generally plain and simple matters, easily grasped by the common mind. Those who seek to understand them in any particular case rarely need to search far to find them. It is true that they must be learned, like any other science; yet it is equally true that they are easily learned. While their applications are as boundless as the infinite relations and transactions between men, they are nevertheless composed of a few simple, fundamental principles, the truth and justice of which the ordinary mind possesses an almost intuitive understanding. Moreover, almost all men share the same perceptions of what constitutes justice or what justice requires, provided they share an understanding of the facts from which their inferences are drawn.

Men living in contact with one another and interacting with each other cannot avoid learning natural law to a considerable extent, even if they would. The transactions between men, their separate possessions, and their individual needs, as well as the disposition of every man to demand and insist upon what he believes to be his due and to resent and resist all invasions of what he believes to be his rights, constantly force questions upon their minds: Is this act just or unjust? Does this thing belong to me or to him? These are questions of natural law, which, in regard to the vast majority of cases, are answered similarly by the human mind everywhere.

Children, even at a tender age, begin to comprehend the fundamental principles of natural law. They quickly come to understand that one child must not, without just cause, strike or otherwise harm another; that one child must not assume arbitrary control or dominion over another; that one child must not, through force, deceit, or stealth, acquire possession of anything that belongs to another. They also learn that if one child commits any of these wrongs against another, it is not only the right of the injured child to resist and, if necessary, punish the wrongdoer and compel them to make amends, but it is also the right and moral duty of all other children, and indeed all other persons, to assist the aggrieved party in defending their rights and rectifying their wrongs. These are the bedrock principles of natural law that govern the most significant interactions between humans. Yet children learn these principles even before they learn that three and three make six or that five and five make ten. Their childish games could not proceed without constant regard for these principles, and it is equally impossible for individuals of any age to live together in peace under any other conditions.

It would be no exaggeration to assert that, in most cases, if not all, the majority of people, both young and old, learn natural law long before they grasp the meanings of the words used to describe it. Indeed, it would be impossible to make them understand the true meanings of the words if they did not first comprehend the nature of the thing itself. To make them understand the meanings of the words justice and injustice before knowing the nature of the things themselves would be as impossible as making them understand the meanings of the words heat and cold, wet and dry, light and darkness, white and black, one and two, before knowing the nature of the things themselves. People must necessarily know sentiments and ideas as well as material things before they can know the meanings of the words used to describe them.

It would be no exaggeration to assert that, in most cases, if not all, the majority of people, both young and old, learn natural law long before they grasp the meanings of the words used to describe it. Indeed, it would be impossible to make them understand the true meanings of the words if they did not first comprehend the nature of the thing itself. To make them understand the meanings of the words justice and injustice before knowing the nature of the things themselves would be as impossible as making them understand the meanings of the words heat and cold, wet and dry, light and darkness, white and black, one and two, before knowing the nature of the things themselves. People must necessarily know sentiments and ideas as well as material things before they can know the meanings of the words used to describe them.

In light of this understanding of justice and natural law, it becomes evident that voluntary associations, bound by the principles of justice, can effectively maintain peace and mutual protection among their members. Such associations, guided by the collective wisdom and moral compass of their members, will stand as bastions of justice, ensuring that the rights of every individual are upheld, and wrongs are righted. By embracing the science of justice, humanity may aspire to a harmonious existence, wherein the pursuit of happiness and the respect for the rights of others coalesce into a symphony of peace and prosperity.

The Immutable Nature of Justice and Its Implications

The Existential Query: Justice as a Natural Principle or a Mere Illusion

Should justice not be a principle innate to nature, it ceases to exist as a principle altogether. If absent from the realm of the natural, the notion of justice is but a void, and countless words written and uttered on its behalf have been in vain, describing a spectre that never was. Without a natural foundation, justice becomes an illusion, and the pleas and struggles for its cause merely clamours for a chimera.

In the absence of a natural principle of justice, there can be no injustice, and the myriad crimes that have plagued humanity are rendered inconsequential, akin to the falling rain or the setting sun. They are events that warrant no more complaint than the flowing river or the sprouting plant. If justice is not rooted in nature, then governments have no right or reason to address it, and all proclamations of establishing, maintaining, or upholding justice are naught but the babblings of fools or the deceptions of charlatans.

However, if justice is indeed a natural principle, it must be immutable, unyielding to the whims of lesser powers. It is as constant and unchangeable as the law of gravitation, the laws of light, or the principles of mathematics. Any attempt to supplant justice with the commands, desires, or discretion of men—whether they call themselves governments or otherwise—is an absurdity, a usurpation, and a tyranny.

Justice as Science: The Folly of Legislative Interference

If justice is a natural principle, it is, by necessity, a matter of scientific inquiry, to be studied and applied as any other branch of knowledge. To propose that legislation might add to or detract from it is as preposterous as suggesting that laws could alter mathematics or chemistry.

The Futility of Human Decree in the Face of Natural Justice

No legislation, even if enacted by the entirety of humanity, can augment or diminish the supreme authority of justice, should it be a natural principle. All such attempts are as futile as the idle wind, bearing no obligation upon a single soul.

Inherent Rights: The Indelible Birthright of Mankind

If justice is a natural principle, it defines the rights bestowed upon each individual at birth, rights that are inseparable from their very existence. These rights remain inherent throughout life, resistant to obliteration or alteration. In contrast, without a foundation in natural law, human beings enter the world devoid of rights and shall remain so, incapable of possessing rights or granting them to others. The consequence is that mankind can never claim any rights, and to speak of them is to speak of non-existent entities.

The Pretense of Authority: Legislating in the Shadow of Natural Law

Should justice be a natural principle, it is necessarily the paramount and universal law governing all applicable matters. Thus, human legislation becomes a mere pretense of authority where none truly exists—an intrusion, an absurdity, a usurpation, and a crime. Without a natural basis for justice, however, there can be no injustice, no honesty or dishonesty, and no distinction between rightful ownership and violation of property. In this world devoid of justice, no crimes can exist, and any claim by governments to punish or prevent crimes is an admission that they have no purpose.

The Unyielding Reign of Justice: A Universal and Immutable Law

If justice is a natural principle, it provides an immutable and universal law that may be studied as any other science. This law dictates what is just and unjust, honest and dishonest, and determines the boundaries of personal and property rights. It reigns supreme across the globe, for all people and all time, unwavering in its authority. Conversely, if justice is not a natural principle, words describing it—justice, injustice, honesty, dishonesty—lose all meaning, and it must be accepted that force and fraud reign supreme, with no distinction between governments and other entities, each free to impose their will upon the other.

The Absence of Governance in a World Devoid of Justice

If justice is not a discernible science, then there can be no true science of governance. The ages of rapacity and violence, where a handful of nefarious conspirators have seized control over their fellow humans, subjecting them to poverty and servitude under the guise of governance, are as legitimate as any other form of government the world has ever or will ever witness.

The Singular Political Principle: Natural Justice as the Foundation of Society

If, however, justice is a natural principle, it is necessarily the sole political principle to ever exist or be conceived. All other so-called political principles are mere figments, either the fanciful notions of naïve individuals who believe they have discovered something superior to truth and justice, or the cunning ploys employed by selfish and deceitful men to gain fame, power, and wealth.

The Illumination of Natural Law Amidst the Shadows of Legislation

The Golden Thread: The Preeminence of Natural Law in Human Affairs

In the great tapestry of human existence, there exists a golden thread, a principle we call natural law or natural justice. This thread weaves itself into every human conflict, settling disputes and offering equal protection to all. Timeless and universal, natural law shines bright as the North Star, guiding humanity through the murky waters of injustice. So potent is this principle, that it begs the question: why has it not prevailed across the globe, dispelling the shadows cast by the self-evident absurdity of legislation?

The Birth of Tyranny: The Usurpation of Justice and the Rise of Legislation

The answer lies within the annals of history, where we find that as civilizations bloomed from savagery and tilled the soil, groups of men banded together as marauders, preying upon the weak and seizing the fruits of their labor. Armed with cunning and might, these brigands forged empires, not through righteousness but through conquest and the enslavement of their fellow man.

These usurpers, finding themselves atop mountains of plunder and hordes of slaves, recognized that the reins of control were better held loosely, granting the illusion of freedom while maintaining their dominion. Thus, they devised governments and laws, cloaked in the fabric of authority and order, yet woven from the same loathsome strands of greed and subjugation.

Chains of Subjugation: The Perpetuation of Injustice through Legislative Control

As sands slipped through the hourglass, the once-overt slaveholders, now masters of the land, devised schemes to retain their power. They forged chains of legislation to bind the laborers, masking their servitude with a thin veneer of liberty. With the specter of poverty haunting their steps, the laborers were forced to toil for their erstwhile masters, eking out a meager existence.

These laws, entrenched in the soils of countless nations, served to uphold the monopoly of wealth and power, leaving the masses destitute and dependent upon the whims of their unseen oppressors.

The Sinister Masquerade: Legislation as the Veil of Dominion

What, then, is legislation? 'Tis naught but the unbridled assertion of dominion, a proclamation that one man or a cabal of men may exert their will upon all others. Legislation is the dismissal of human rights, the replacement of justice with the arbitrary dictates of the powerful. It is the sinister artifice by which the puppeteers of humanity conceal their tyranny, enslaving the many under the yoke of their capricious desires.

Unmasking the Deceit: The True Nature of Legislation and its Betrayal of Justice

If we must then seek the truth beneath the veil of deceit, we must recognize that the heart of legislation, shrouded in false nobility, beats with the same malevolent intent as the days of old. It serves not the cause of justice, but rather the desires of a select few, to keep the masses in perpetual subjugation.

In this grand theatre of human endeavors, the illusion of law and order plays but a mere farce, a tragedy in which the actors, draped in the robes of authority, wield the scepter of power to perpetuate their dominion. The curtain remains drawn, obscuring the reality of mankind's struggle against the fetters of tyranny.

The Dawning of Liberation: Embracing Natural Law to Dispel the Darkness of Oppression

If we must then seek the truth beneath the veil of deceit, we must recognize that the heart of legislation, shrouded in false nobility, beats with the same malevolent intent as the days of old. It serves not the cause of justice, but rather the desires of a select few, to keep the masses in perpetual subjugation.

Let us, as one, untangle the web of deceit, tearing asunder the facades of power and authority, and reveal the true nature of those who would hold dominion over us. Only by casting aside the cloak of legislation and embracing the immutable principles of natural law can we hope to vanquish the specter of tyranny and usher in an era of true justice and freedom.

A Tapestry Reborn: The Triumph of Natural Law in a World Free from Tyranny

In this magnificent tapestry of human existence, let us seek to weave a new pattern, one in which the golden thread of natural law takes its rightful place at the forefront. Let us strive for a world where the bonds of oppression are replaced with the unbreakable ties of justice, and where the shadows of subjugation give way to the radiant light of liberty.

As the architects of our own destiny, we possess the power to craft a world in which the principles of natural law stand as eternal sentinels, guarding the gates of justice and ensuring that the many are no longer subjugated by the few. It is our solemn duty, as stewards of humanity, to embrace the truth and march onward, united in our quest for a future free from the tyranny of legislation.

Conclusion; The Reclamation of Justice and the Ascendancy of Natural Law

As the twilight of our discourse draws nigh, let us pause to contemplate the profound implications of our journey through the realms of justice, natural law, and legislation. We have traversed the treacherous landscapes of tyranny and deception, bearing witness to the multitude of crimes perpetrated in the name of authority and order. Yet, amidst the gloom, we have glimpsed the shimmering beacon of natural law, guiding our way to a more enlightened and equitable future.

The conclusion of this solemn exploration is inescapable: natural law is the paramount and immutable principle that governs the affairs of mankind, unyielding to the capricious dictates of legislation. To embrace this truth is to cast off the chains of servitude, to reclaim the birthright of justice that has been usurped by the shadowy machinations of the powerful.

Let us, as stewards of humanity, strive to dismantle the artifices of legislative oppression, forging a new world in which the principles of natural law stand as the eternal guardians of justice. Only then shall we truly triumph, realizing a future where the light of liberty banishes the darkness of tyranny, and the golden thread of justice weaves its way through the fabric of our collective destiny.

A Union of Quranic Principles and the Green Movement